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Community ELLIO: IP Feed

ELLIO’s community IP feed now has 1,000 users!

Exciting update! ELLIO: Community IP Feed, our initiative to give back to the community, now has an awesome 1.000 users onboard – from Java in Indonesia, to the tech-savvy streets of Palo Alto. Thank you, community!

The Community ELLIO: IP Feed is an external dynamic threat list comprising known malicious IP addresses expected to pose potential threats to your network in the near future. It also includes known benign scanners and IP addresses of actors with unknown intent.

The community version of the IP feed includes a full list of identified threats like the paid version of ELLIO: Threat List and is not customizable for the customer/user’s network perimeter.

Download the Community ELLIO: IP Feed for non-commercial use: https://cdn.ellio.tech/community-feed

The Community ELLIO: Feed is a free version of an advanced next-gen ELLIO: Threat list. 

ELLIO: Threat list is an external dynamic list of IP addresses and network entities anticipated to pose threats to corporate networks in the near future. The dynamic nature of ELLIO: Threat List and advanced behavioural analysis of internet traffic in real-time enable very early identification of both mass and rapidly spreading exploits, as well as new threats for which detection is not yet available.

It’s compatible with major vendors Palo Alto Networks, Fortinet, Check Point, Cisco, and PfSense.

Test the new next-gen ELLIO: Threat for free. Visit the ELLIO Demo Space or reach out to us at [email protected].
